Monday, October 20, 2008

Mathew 6: 25 - 34

   It’s about worry, it been said that we do not have to worry about “What will we wear tomorrow?” or “What will we eat tomorrow?” because God knows what is best for us. Even the birds in the sky do not have to worry about tomorrow. God will prepare for them what is necessary. If the birds also get special treatment from God, us human will get even better.

   For me, this is actually about what’s inside your mind. It does not mean that by just believing and not doing anything, the foods and clothes will come to you. It’s about eliminating the elements of “worry” inside you that can affect negatively on your productivity in any works that you are doing.

   If we can eliminate the worries inside us, we can focus more on our works which surely lead to more creative ideas and more energy for doing the works. So don’t take this message directly but think deeper so that you will not misinterpreted the information.

  I got this one relative that misunderstood the knowledge and he didn’t want to work. He just stayed at his house and lives freely. Whenever there are friends or relatives come to give him advice, he will talk about the readings from the bible that we had just discussed before. My aim here is to make it clear that we still need to work. Even the birds are also still flying and searching for foods. They didn’t just stay in the nest waiting for the worms to come. They only focused on searching for foods and live in peace without worry. =_)




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