Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LoVe PrOtEcTs..


When you are working hard to learn something new, doesn't it feel good to know someone believes you can do it? It is comforting to know that no matter what happens, your friend will stand up for you and be loyal to you.

When you love with God's love you will do whatever you can to protect your friends and be loyal to them. If someone is saying bad things about your friend, you will not join in. You will tell them to stop talking about your friend. You will always be strong when it comes to defending your friend.

When has a friend been loyal to you?
When have you stood up for a friend?

Dear God,
That's the kind of friend I want to have. Help me to be loyal friend who will always stand up for my friends. Amen.

What matters is a faith that expresses itself through love.

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